

culturally appropriate design strategies1

Biocultural Consulting is about design of indigenous specific business strategies, policies, programs and projects that are focused from a time critical aspect. Inclusion of cultural capital, indigenous intelligence and innovation are relevant in underpinning your objectives and outcomes.In some instances your design approaches will require multi-layered processes. As an example, cultural landscapes are spatial patterns running across multiple natural values, cosmological, gender, language, communal and primary knowledge and responsibility levels. To design well - is to understand these patterns and the starting and end points between relevant knowledge, knowledge holders and decision-makers.

The broadest possible picture helps influence your design processes:

  • understand who, where, what, how, why and when constitutes an indigenous partner
  • how its cultural structures may require seperate and collective communication strategies
  • historical and current community goals, aspirations, and self-determination functions
  • postive and defensive protection of knowledge and current consultation processes
  • protocols and procedures determining acceptance or rejection of projects and win-win strategies for agreement outcomes

Implementation of design strategies that service the diversity within an individual group or community - comes through undertaking  joint planning initiatives, awareness in continuing to conduct activities in conformance with agreed requirements, establishing a process to track changes in requirements over time,  and credible exit strategies that leave sustainable agreed outcomes, capacity and opportunity.